See our terms and conditions below
We, Us, The Company or any other first person pronoun refers to BusinessBusiness Ltd
You, The Buyer, The Purchaser, The Customer or any other such description refers to the person signing up for the service via the website
Verifying your identity
To sign up for a free Limited Company Director package, we need to verify your identity. This is usually done by means of photo evidence of a) your driving license and b) a ‘selfie’ of you holding your driving license. If this is not possible we will require another photographic form of identification (Passport or other government issued ID) plus confirmation of your address via a bank statement or utility bill. This is to enable us to comply with UK law surrounding good business practice and money laundering regulations
The Service we provide
We offer you the chance to become a company director by taking over responsibility / ownership of a nominated company that has previously been set up by us and registered with Companies House. There may be the opportunity to select a desired company name from a short list that we can provide you, however if you wish to pick your own business name you will need to do this via officially applying to Companies House once the ownership change process has been completed. As well as taking ownership of the nominated business we will provide you the opportunity to sign up for a business bank account through one of our trusted partners. We cannot guarantee acceptance by this route, however they can help in almost all circumstances. Please be advised you may need to arrange your own business banking in this case as you cannot use a personal bank account for the purposes of running a business. If the business has previously registered for VAT we will advise you of this at the point of transfer and forward any relevant accounts and paperwork as required by law.
Our commitment to you
The business you join as a director will be of good standing and not be subject to any charges, debts or outstanding invoices. The business may already have a bank account but this will not be transferrable, however if any transactions have been processed prior to you taking control as a director we will advise you in case there are any tax implications. However our businesses are usually supplied with no transactions having taken place. We will complete all relevant Companies House procedures to change ownership from us to you and confirm all details in writing by email to the address you provide during the sign up. Once the transfer has been processed we will walk you through the bank sign up process via our partner bank(s). We will also complete a VAT registration on your behalf and submit this to HMRC. All WebFiling processes will remain with us up to the point your first confirmation statement is due to be processed (this includes any VAT submissions required via MTD software we will set up for you during the sign up process). Any correspondence relating to the business from HMRC or Companies House is to be forwarded to us in the first place via WhatsApp and lately by post so we can keep all your business records completely up to date and in compliance. We will manage your MTD software for you in accordance with UK tax law and advise you if any taxes are to be paid due to your business activity (however if you do not carry out any business activity you should have nothing to pay)
Your commitment to us
You agree to take over responsibility for a UK registered Limited Company as dictated by ourselves, unless the option of choosing from a list is provided. If any changes are to be made we are to be contacted prior to you arranging this with Companies House. You agree to us holding WebFiling access (including HMRC) on your behalf for a period up to your first confirmation statement is requested. At this point we will contact you to confirm you wish to remain as a registered business and direct you in the process of continuing via Companies House. You authorise us to issue a VAT invoice at the point of purchase up to the value of ten thousand pounds relating to the transfer of title as well as all ongoing work for the business, registering web domains, website developments, e mail set ups and any other such activities. This will be held with all company paperwork at your registered office address which we will provide free of charge for the dedicated period. This invoice will not be included in your ‘Instant Vat’ calculation however it will count towards any VAT bill due by you or rebate to be issued to us on your behalf (for example, if we process sales for you and a VAT bill is due, this can be deducted from what you owe us. However, if you are claiming a rebate under the ‘Instant VAT claim’ service you will not be entitled to rebate of this invoice, only the subsequent purchase invoice/receipts you send us. Any business bank accounts registered prior to the transfer will remain with us under their original company name and be used for the sole purpose of VAT registration, payment and refunds during the first 12 month period, all payments of which will either be made by, or to, us. However you are entitled to use your own bank account for any/all business transactions and we recommend you keep copies of all relevant paperwork as required under UK law. If you wish us to add any paperwork to your business file please follow the ‘photo and post’ process as per the website. If you wish to take advantage of our ‘instant VAT claim’ service you agree to send us photo evidence of the invoice at point of claim and a physical copy to arrive with us within 60 days. Failure to do so will result in further payments being withheld to you until such time as your account returns to good standing
‘Instant VAT claim’ service
To take advantage of this service you agree to send us photographic evidence of your receipt/invoice via WhatsApp to our dedicated number at the earliest possible opportunity. We will then pay you out within 1 working day of receiving this (excluding bank holidays, weekends and public holidays, or such time as your account falls into poor standing as outlined in your commitment to us). You agree to send us the original invoice/receipt within 60 days of receiving payment, failure to do so will result in further payments being withheld until all paperwork has been received up to date (therefore removing the 60 day period). Refunds to you under the ‘Instant VAT Claim’ service are capped at £250 per quarter
WebFiling services
UK registered Limited Companies usually have a WebFiling service set up at point of incorporation. Ours are no different. We will set up all relevant filing services prior to you taking ownership and we will maintain and update these during your ownership of the business, up to the point Companies House issue your first confirmation statement request. At this point we will contact you to discuss if you wish to continue your business. If we are unable to contact you by email we will attempt to call, both using the contact information during sign up. If no response is received after 5 working days, we will write to you by recorded delivery. If we receive no reply within 5 working days to this, we will attempt one more call and email. If there is still no response after a further 5 working days, we will instruct Companies House the company is no longer wishing to remain open and begin the strike off process. We will keep any/all relevant business documentation as required for up to six years.
Registered office
Once a director of the business, your details will be updated with Companies House. However, to minimise paperwork on your behalf we will maintain your registered correspondence address as being with ourselves. This is a service most companies charge for, however for the initial 12 months we are offering this service for free. If you wish to continue your business going forward we can provide a quote for maintaining a registered office address for you. We will contact you at the 12 month period to discuss your options, however there is no requirement to maintain this address with us going forward, we simply offer it as a free service to minimise paperwork for you during your set up period
Your personal information
Any information provided during the sign up process will be the minimum we require by law to ensure the ownership change process is completed in a compliant manner. We will hold all relevant business data and documentation for the required 6 years, at which point it will be shredded and disposed of with video evidence available to support this. We will only disclose email addresses to selected business partners whose products we feel would benefit a new business owner. Any electronic tracking information such as browser cookies will be used in accordance with UK law and we will only use this data for the purpose of data analysis unless requested by a UK legal body.
Our commissions/payments
To provide full transparency under UK law, any business bank account we recommend to you that you sign up for may result in a commission/referral payment to us up to the value of one hundred pounds. Any product links on our website or sent via text/whatsapp/email may result in referral/commission payment to us ranging from one percent to twenty percent. No product recommendations will be sent based on their commission value to us, rather on what we feel would benefit you as a new business owner and website based adverts may also be selected at random by our advertising partners. You may opt out of all promotional correspondence by contacting us directly by electronic means starting your full name and company registration number.